
#FiveMinuteFriday ||Collect||

Today is #FiveMinuteFriday over at Kate Moutang’s blog! Here is 5 minutes of freewriting on the word collect.  Ready—> Go! I was driving around the other day thinking about a Bible study I have been doing and how fascinating it has been. I started thinking, “I just love God’s word. I’m like, obsessed with it! All…… Continue reading #FiveMinuteFriday ||Collect||


Why We Should Throw Purity Analogies Out the Window

Purity analogies–maybe you too have heard them growing up. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve rattled them off more times than I can count when talking about purity. These are just some of the common ones I’ve heard (and used) over the years: “Before you have sex, you are like a…. 1. A fresh…… Continue reading Why We Should Throw Purity Analogies Out the Window